Tag Archives: short story

Luck be my lady

Prompt from Alex: These are amulets from World War 1.  The difference between a charm and an amulet is that a charm is worn to attract good luck and an amulet provides protection from danger.

Have you ever had a charm or an amulet?   Write a short story about either.





We have several events this Autumn open for booking . 3 places remaining on our 4 week creative writing group in September, 5 places left on  ‘Art as inspiration in October and 10 on Building your writing CV‘ in November.


Your chance to be anthropomorphic. This donkey may be happy, cunning, or just after an apple. You can take the donkey’s point of view, or write about a donkey you have known. Make it a memoir – that donkey ride on the beach, or a donkey you owned – or make it fiction. Have fun.


Bottling out

Some people resolve not to drink alcohol during January. Write a piece about a person who bottles out of a resolution to avoid wine during the first month of the year.  No disaster scenarios. Include the words ‘musty’ and ‘sparrow’ and the smell of an iron-monger’s shop.