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An Artist’s Date

This week’s challenge is from Alex:

Christmas is upon us, whether we love it or hate it, and unless you are a recluse you are probably caught up in it.   So this week I want you to make an Artist’s Date. What is it? Julia Cameron coined the phrase in The Artist’s Way.   An Artist’s Date is a commitment to a block of time, an hour or two at least, on your own, to nurture your creativity.  Your date can be as simple as going to a gallery or museum, a solitary walk, taking a photograph or doing a drawing, something you rarely do… you get the idea. So go ahead, feed your creativity and enjoy. Happy Christmas from Alex and Jude

UPDATE: We have sold out for our February Get into Print session, but still have  places on the March one. 


Please Mister Postman


Epistolary novels were popular in the 18th century with authors such as Samuel Richardson but they went out of fashion. With the more recent success of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, The Colour Purple and We Need to Talk About Kevin, interest in this genre has revived.

Alex’s  Prompt: Write a short story in the form of a letter.